Bash Scripting Cheatsheet (.sh)
echo "Hello World" #=> Hello World
# printf
printf "Hello %s, I'm %s\n" Ashok Vish #=> Hello Ashok, I'm Vish
printf "10 + 10 = %d\n" 20 #=> 1 + 1 = 2
printf "This is how you print a float: %f\n" 2 #=> This is how you print a float: 2.000000
# This is a single line comment
: '(space is important)
This is a
multi line
name="Ashok" #no spaces
echo "Hello $name, your age is ${age}" #=> Hello Ashok, your age is 23
echo 'Hello $name, your age is ${age}' #=> Hello $name, your age is ${age}
Note: For literal printing use single quotes ''
Note: name="Ashok" == name='Ashok'
Note: echo $name == echo "$name" == echo "${name}"
> name="Ashok"
> echo "Hi $name" #=> Hi Ashok
> echo 'Hi $name' #=> Hi $name
> echo "I'm in $(pwd)" #=> I'm in /path/to/your/sh/file
Note: pwd is a special variable, pwd = present working directory
Note: $(pwd) == `pwd` # Only for special variables
Input from user
echo "Hello User! Please enter your name: "
read name
echo "Enter your rollnumber: "
read rollnum
echo "Hello $name, your roll number is $rollnum"
Brace expansion
echo {A,B} #=> A B
echo {A,B}.js #=> A.js B.js
echo {1..5} #=> 1 2 3 4 5
Numeric calculations
echo $((a + 200)) # Add 200 to $a
echo $(($RANDOM%200)) # Random number 0..199
String Basics
echo ${name}
echo ${#name} #=> 5 (Length of name)
echo ${name/A/a} #=> "ashok" (substitution)
echo ${name:0:2} #=> "As" (slicing)
echo ${name::2} #=> "As" (slicing)
echo ${name::-1} #=> "" (slicing)
echo ${name:(-1)} #=> "Ashok" (slicing from right)
echo ${name:(-2):1} #=> "k" (slicing from right)
echo ${food:-Cake} #=> $food or "Cake"
echo ${name:0:length} #=> "As"
# Substitution
name="prefix Ashok suffix"
echo ${name#prefix} #=> Ashok suffix (Remove prefix)
echo ${name%suffix} #=> prefix Ashok (Remove suffix)
echo ${name##prefix} #=> Ashok suffix (Remove long prefix)
echo ${name%%suffix} #=> prefix Ashok (Remove long suffix)
echo ${name/suffix/Vish} #=> prefix Ashok Vish (Replace first match)
echo ${name//suffix/Vish} #=> prefix Ashok Vish (Replace all matches)
echo ${name/#prefix/Mr.} #=> Mr. Ashok suffix (Replace prefix)
echo ${name/%suffix/Vish} #=> prefix Ashok Vish (Replace suffix)
# Substrings
echo ${str:0:3} #=> Hel [Substring (position, length)]
echo ${str:(-3):3} #=> llo [Substring from the right]
# Manipulation
echo ${STR,} #=> "hELLO WORLD!" (lowercase 1st letter)
echo ${STR,,} #=> "hello world!" (all lowercase)
STR="hello world!"
echo ${STR^} #=> "Hello world!" (uppercase 1st letter)
echo ${STR^^} #=> "HELLO WORLD!" (all uppercase)
if [ $a == 1 ]; then # spaces are must
echo "Hello"
elif [[ $a == 2 ]]; then
echo "World"
echo "Hello World"
# Basic for loop
arr=(1 2 3 4 5)
for i in ${arr[*]}; do
echo $i
#=> 1 2 3 4 5
# C-like for loop
for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++)); do
echo $i
#=> 0 1 2 3 4
# Ranges
for i in {1..5}; do
echo "$i"
#=> 1 2 3 4 5
# With step size
for i in {5..20..5}; do
echo "$i"
#=> 5 10 15 20
# while loop
while true; do
echo "I'm immortal"
# Reading lines
# file.txt must be present in the same directory as bash script.
# Or, provide ful path of file.
cat file.txt | while read line; do
echo $line
function get_name() {
echo "Ashok"
# Or, Same as above (alternate syntax)
get_msg() {
echo "Good Morning, Ashok"
get_name #=> Ashok
get_msg #=> Good Morning, Ashok
echo "You are $(get_name)" #=> You are Ashok
echo "You are `get_name`" #=> You are Ashok
myfunc() {
echo "Hello $1"
myfunc "Ashok" #=> Hello Ashok
# Returning values
myfunc() {
local myresult='some value'
echo $myresult
echo $result #=> some value
# Raising errors
myfunc() {
return 1
if myfunc; then
echo "success"
echo "failure"
Note: $1 is the first command line argument. Similarly, $2 is the second command line argument and so on.
Defining arrays
Fruits=('Apple' 'Banana' 'Orange')
echo ${Fruits[0]} #=> Apple
echo ${Fruits[1]} #=> Banana
echo ${Fruits[2]} #=> Orange
echo $Fruits #=> Apple
# Iteration
for i in "${Fruits[*]}"; do Or, # ${Fruits[@]}
echo $i
#=> Apple Banana Orange
# Working with arrays
echo ${Fruits[0]} #=> Apple (Element at index 0)
echo ${Fruits[-1]} #=> Orange (Last element)
echo ${Fruits[@]} #=> Apple Banana Orange (All elements, space-separated)
echo ${Fruits[*]} #=> Apple Banana Orange (All elements, space-separated)
echo ${#Fruits[@]} #=> 3 (Number of elements)
echo ${#Fruits} #=> 5 (String length of 1st element)
echo ${#Fruits[2]} #=> 6 (String length of N-1th element)
echo ${Fruits[@]:1:2} #=> Banana Orange (Range from position 3, length 2)
echo ${!Fruits[@]} #=> 0 1 2 (Keys of all elements)
# Operations
Fruits=('Apple' 'Banana' 'Orange')
Veggies=('Potato' 'Tomato')
Fruits=("${Fruits[@]}" "Peach") #=> Apple Banana Orange Peach (Push/Add Element)
Fruits+=('Mango') #=> Apple Banana Orange Peach Mango (Also, Push/Add)
Fruits=( ${Fruits[@]/Ap*/} ) #=> Banana Orange Peach Mango (Remove by regex match)
unset Fruits[2] #=> Banana Orange Mango (Remove one item)
Fruits=("${Fruits[@]}" "${Veggies[@]}") #=> Banana Orange Mango Mango Potato Tomato (Concatenate)
lines=(`cat "logfile"`) #=> content of the file (Read from file)